* diarrhea-this may last more than one days. Treatment of stopping smoking formal and cold turkey smoking may affect the body in monumental ways. * cough,throat clearing-this is due to a cleaning and clearing of the reactivated cilia in the lungs; your body is clearing out the debris,tar and phlegm. Try tums or dgl(deglycyrrhizinated licorice ),which may assist acid reflux too. It normally lasts a week.
* nausea-this symptom almost seems like the flu. Duration. * constipation-this may last for assorted weeks. It is almost as whether or not(for a short amount of time of time)someone turns on a little water hose in your head. The body is adapting to the modern digestive changes.
You may similarly undertake beano. This symptom may last up to 2 months. Not every one views and experiences the same symptoms.
Natural ideas for sinus problems ayr saline nasal rinse kit comforting sinus wash,100-count saline nasal rinse mixture packets plus applicator bottle(pack of 2) ayr saline nasal rinse kit comforting sinus wash,100-count saline nasal rinse mixture packets plus applicator bottle(pack of 2) price:$14. Try any over the counter remedy. If you never had heartburn this symptom may last for more or less 3 weeks to 3 months. 79 digestive * acid indigestion/heartburn-whether or not you had acid indigestion before you quit,it will get a bit worse and then it will go away.
This may last more than one days to assorted months. Take an over-the-counter medication until the "dripping" stops or use a netipot to assist clear things out. * phlegm-this is similarly due to.
Drinking any carbonated beverage should help. 74 respiratory * sinus congestion-this is caused by a clearing out of the sinuses. Enzymatic therapy dgl chewables,distinctive and initial,100 tablets(pack of 2) enzymatic therapy dgl chewables,distinctive and initial,100 tablets(pack of 2) price:$20. Don't eat gas manufacturing foods like beans,cabbage or cauliflower. What happens to your body when you quit smoking by formal and cold turkey,chantix or zyban 99 rate or flag this page by lela bryan there are more side effects when you stop smoking formal and cold turkey don't suffer quitting smoking with formal and cold turkey main formal and cold turkey modes and methods are: * chantix or(champix in canada) * zyban or wellbutrin * hypnosis,acupuncture * nicotine patches * commit lozenges symptoms.
Try an over the counter remedy for relief. * gas or flatulence-this may last assorted weeks. Cigarettes utilized to act like a diuretic and similarly like a laxative.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
More than 6 Months since I Quit Smoking
As of July 10, I will have quit smoking cigarettes which will make it a little over 6 months. In that 6 months I have not had a single puff, Not One! It has not been an easy road and I am very proud of being able to quit smoking. In fact, I think it is a miracle.
For those that are trying to quit, or will soon be quitting, I can't stress enough how important it is too get mentally prepared first and win the battle in your mind. I would love to smoke a cigarette right now but I know I can't. I don't or won't even let my mind debate it. Folks win that battle and the cravings will go by a little quicker.
As far as my cravings go, I still have them regularly and sometimes they are intense. I really thought that after 6 months the cravings wouldn't be too severe and maybe just a few times a week. Not for me though, I own a business and things are not going that well and its damn stressful. I can't believe I have been able to beat smoking but I have.
I'm really busy now so I need to run and I will try to check in more frequently.
For those that are trying to quit, or will soon be quitting, I can't stress enough how important it is too get mentally prepared first and win the battle in your mind. I would love to smoke a cigarette right now but I know I can't. I don't or won't even let my mind debate it. Folks win that battle and the cravings will go by a little quicker.
As far as my cravings go, I still have them regularly and sometimes they are intense. I really thought that after 6 months the cravings wouldn't be too severe and maybe just a few times a week. Not for me though, I own a business and things are not going that well and its damn stressful. I can't believe I have been able to beat smoking but I have.
I'm really busy now so I need to run and I will try to check in more frequently.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
How I Quit Smoking and am Staying Quit
Wow, I have not updated in a long time. Today is Tuesday May 13th and I still have not had a single cigarette. Like I mentioned before, I quit smoking cold turkey and I believe that cold Turkey is the best way to quit smoking for good. When I say Cold Turkey I mean without any nicotine aids or drugs. I just think those aids make the process of quitting smoking prolonged and more difficult.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
New Ways to Quit Smoking
I was looking around on the WEB the other day for any new and interesting ways to quit smoking and found a site called whyquit.com and it was all about the most successful way to quit smoking. Yup, you guessed it COLD TURKEY!. Its a good site, you should check it out.
I mentioned in another post that I came to the realization that I would never smoke cigarettes again. Well, most experts suggest not to think that way. They suggest getting through 1 day at a time, 1 hour at a time etc.. Well here is what I say, DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU and don't listen to experts. Here is the reality, did you make a decision to quit or not! Don't bargain, Don't leave an escape hatch. If you do you will fail to quit smoking cigarettes. Get your head straight and you will succeed.
I'm am going to make a list of all the ways to quit smoking that I find on the Web a post them here someday. There is so much crap out there though but I still may do it.
I'm leaving myself a note here for a future post on ways to quit smoking "perceptions"
And I will post about smoking and money later!
Also, Although I went Cold Turkey I did take an herb pill daily and I know it helped.
when I get the time I will put up a link the their site.
Stay Strong
I mentioned in another post that I came to the realization that I would never smoke cigarettes again. Well, most experts suggest not to think that way. They suggest getting through 1 day at a time, 1 hour at a time etc.. Well here is what I say, DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU and don't listen to experts. Here is the reality, did you make a decision to quit or not! Don't bargain, Don't leave an escape hatch. If you do you will fail to quit smoking cigarettes. Get your head straight and you will succeed.
I'm am going to make a list of all the ways to quit smoking that I find on the Web a post them here someday. There is so much crap out there though but I still may do it.
I'm leaving myself a note here for a future post on ways to quit smoking "perceptions"
And I will post about smoking and money later!
Also, Although I went Cold Turkey I did take an herb pill daily and I know it helped.
when I get the time I will put up a link the their site.
Stay Strong
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
About Me
I was a 30 year smoker. I have tried to find the easiest ways to quit smoking and I wasn't surprised to find that there were not any easy ways to quit smoking. The way to quit smoking for me is going to be Cold Turkey.
How to Quit Smoking for 30 Days
That's right 30 days!!!!!! In my first post, said "I quit smoking today". That was the date of my first post but my actual quit date was January 10. I want to talk about day 1. On the first day I expected the worst cravings, feely shitty etc.. but the first day of quit smoking wasn't that bad until my first HUGE craving. When I quit smoking cold turkey I knew it was the only ways to quit smoking successfully. I also kind of knew what to expect since I had quit smoking many times before. WRONG! This first day was different, the big craving hit me at 2:00 in a grocery store. OH My Gawd!!! It hit me then and there like a ton of bricks; I CAN NEVER SMOKE ANOTHER CIGARETTE AGAIN IN MY LIFE. That big bad craving turned into something much more hideous; I had lost a partner in my life of 30 years and that partner is never coming back. I was craving and I was mourning the loss of a partner and it hurt. That feeling lasted about an hour
and slowly subsided. Why was this first day different from previous quit smoking attempts and why did I have that big moment of truth. Well, in my previous attempts I always had an "out" in the back of my mind. I always let myself have that one "just in case". In previous attempts I couldn't bare the thought of being a non smoker. Going on vacation without a cigarette, watching a ballgame without a cigarette, driving without a cigarette, having beers with my buddies without a cigarette... it goes on and on. I couldn't handle the thought of life without my partner, so in previous attempts I left the door open just a little to ease my mind. Yep, sure enough, eventually I would slip back through that door and be smoking again.
This time was different though, I looked the monster in the eye and told him no more, as much as it hurts me now, our partnership is over. Goodbye! Forever! Ouch that hurt!
Ok, with that out of the way I got a little stronger each day and my resolve had hardened and I knew I had won. Today is 1 month and I am proud of myself, Ha, I'm also 6 lbs heavier, but that's a story for another day.
and slowly subsided. Why was this first day different from previous quit smoking attempts and why did I have that big moment of truth. Well, in my previous attempts I always had an "out" in the back of my mind. I always let myself have that one "just in case". In previous attempts I couldn't bare the thought of being a non smoker. Going on vacation without a cigarette, watching a ballgame without a cigarette, driving without a cigarette, having beers with my buddies without a cigarette... it goes on and on. I couldn't handle the thought of life without my partner, so in previous attempts I left the door open just a little to ease my mind. Yep, sure enough, eventually I would slip back through that door and be smoking again.
This time was different though, I looked the monster in the eye and told him no more, as much as it hurts me now, our partnership is over. Goodbye! Forever! Ouch that hurt!
Ok, with that out of the way I got a little stronger each day and my resolve had hardened and I knew I had won. Today is 1 month and I am proud of myself, Ha, I'm also 6 lbs heavier, but that's a story for another day.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Jump Off a Door Handle ?
Today I feel like I would like to "jump off a door handle"
but before that I need to find more ways to quit smoking. I know
I have tried most of the ways to quit smoking but I need to explore
some of the ways to quit smoking that I have not tried. I will update this later.
Who knows.
If you are visiting this blog be patient. I have a lot to add yet.
Click Here!
but before that I need to find more ways to quit smoking. I know
I have tried most of the ways to quit smoking but I need to explore
some of the ways to quit smoking that I have not tried. I will update this later.
Who knows.
If you are visiting this blog be patient. I have a lot to add yet.
Click Here!
The Ways to Quit Smoking for Me
One of the largest reasons that a smoker loses in their attempt/s to stop smoking is
largely mental. How would I know? I have tried stopping smoking
8 times before. I have used most of the ways to quit smoking and could not quit.
I have used the Patch, the Gum, Zyban, Chantix, and several other “craving buster”
merchandise. The fact is, many of these items do help. However, if you can’t
stop the psychological handle that smoking has on you than you will lose at quitting.
Why are there so many items sold that are made to reduce the physical
symptoms of withdrawal and only a some that address the psychological addiction?
The answer is simply cash. I am not going to spend a lot of time explaining this
to you because that is not the point of this article. Just take my word for it. There are
so many ways to quit smoking and products available to aid the process that a
very important detail often gets lost in the mix. That detail is your DECISION to
quit. There is all the bull out there stating that “YOU have to really WANT to quit”
in order to have success. No smoker wants to stop smoking(unless you are sick) hell, we like to smoke. Smoking is very enjoyable! When you decide to quit, you are
consciously electing to trade one of your little pleasures for improved health and a lasting
life. Of course, there are a lot more pluses to quit smoking but your life is the most important. Once you have decided to stop, it is now time to pick one of the ways to quit
smoking and set your stop date(Anywhere from 10 to 14 days is sufficient time
to get ready to quit). I shouldn’t recommend a product or certain ways to
quit smoking because I have not had success with them. How did I stop? I used a simple
supplement (an herb I bought) and did it cold turkey. I am sure that for me (and probably
most others) that cold turkey is one of the best ways to quit smoking. I will explain this better in another article
Ok, back to the purpose of this post, The psychological grip of smoking on smokers.
Docters will tell you that the physical withdrawal from nicotine is why it is so hard to
Quit. There is a lot truth to this and we all know that nicotine is addicting. But how long are you addicted? The unfortunate answer is a long time, not hours days or weeks, but years. The experts say that after you quit the nicotine has been removed
from your body in about 4 days and your physical withdrawal symptoms will have stopped. After the physical withdrawal you should be ready for years of psychological withdrawal (cravings). When I quit cold turkey my worst cravings were in the 3rd week, long after the physical withdrawal. After week 3 things did start to improve
quite a bit. I understand that I will have cravings for years. I also understand that they will begin to lose intensity and will occur less often. Time is with us.
When the day comes that you choose to live a longer and healthy life, don’t stress about the physical withdrawal(It doesn’t last but a few days) but ready your mind for the War that’s about to be fought there. This is the most important thing you must do before quitting smoking it will make all the difference in the World.
THE BATTLE EVEN STARTS! Understand this and you will quit for good. Believe me
I have tried all the ways to quit smoking and winning the war in your mind is the key
to quit smoking forever. Keep in mind that quitting smoking is not a negotiation. Do not
negotiate for that one puff! Or that one cigarette under any circumstance. Make sure your
mind (that wants a smoke) those thoughts will not be tolerated. You want the cravings, you deserve the cravings for the damage you have done to your body. That’s right!, you
deserve it. It’s a small price to pay now, if you don’t pay it now, the price keeps going up
until you finally pay the ultimate price (your life).
Now go do it, check out my blog for more info the different ways to quit smoking and their pluses and minuses.
largely mental. How would I know? I have tried stopping smoking
8 times before. I have used most of the ways to quit smoking and could not quit.
I have used the Patch, the Gum, Zyban, Chantix, and several other “craving buster”
merchandise. The fact is, many of these items do help. However, if you can’t
stop the psychological handle that smoking has on you than you will lose at quitting.
Why are there so many items sold that are made to reduce the physical
symptoms of withdrawal and only a some that address the psychological addiction?
The answer is simply cash. I am not going to spend a lot of time explaining this
to you because that is not the point of this article. Just take my word for it. There are
so many ways to quit smoking and products available to aid the process that a
very important detail often gets lost in the mix. That detail is your DECISION to
quit. There is all the bull out there stating that “YOU have to really WANT to quit”
in order to have success. No smoker wants to stop smoking(unless you are sick) hell, we like to smoke. Smoking is very enjoyable! When you decide to quit, you are
consciously electing to trade one of your little pleasures for improved health and a lasting
life. Of course, there are a lot more pluses to quit smoking but your life is the most important. Once you have decided to stop, it is now time to pick one of the ways to quit
smoking and set your stop date(Anywhere from 10 to 14 days is sufficient time
to get ready to quit). I shouldn’t recommend a product or certain ways to
quit smoking because I have not had success with them. How did I stop? I used a simple
supplement (an herb I bought) and did it cold turkey. I am sure that for me (and probably
most others) that cold turkey is one of the best ways to quit smoking. I will explain this better in another article
Ok, back to the purpose of this post, The psychological grip of smoking on smokers.
Docters will tell you that the physical withdrawal from nicotine is why it is so hard to
Quit. There is a lot truth to this and we all know that nicotine is addicting. But how long are you addicted? The unfortunate answer is a long time, not hours days or weeks, but years. The experts say that after you quit the nicotine has been removed
from your body in about 4 days and your physical withdrawal symptoms will have stopped. After the physical withdrawal you should be ready for years of psychological withdrawal (cravings). When I quit cold turkey my worst cravings were in the 3rd week, long after the physical withdrawal. After week 3 things did start to improve
quite a bit. I understand that I will have cravings for years. I also understand that they will begin to lose intensity and will occur less often. Time is with us.
When the day comes that you choose to live a longer and healthy life, don’t stress about the physical withdrawal(It doesn’t last but a few days) but ready your mind for the War that’s about to be fought there. This is the most important thing you must do before quitting smoking it will make all the difference in the World.
THE BATTLE EVEN STARTS! Understand this and you will quit for good. Believe me
I have tried all the ways to quit smoking and winning the war in your mind is the key
to quit smoking forever. Keep in mind that quitting smoking is not a negotiation. Do not
negotiate for that one puff! Or that one cigarette under any circumstance. Make sure your
mind (that wants a smoke) those thoughts will not be tolerated. You want the cravings, you deserve the cravings for the damage you have done to your body. That’s right!, you
deserve it. It’s a small price to pay now, if you don’t pay it now, the price keeps going up
until you finally pay the ultimate price (your life).
Now go do it, check out my blog for more info the different ways to quit smoking and their pluses and minuses.
Monday, February 2, 2009
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Friday, January 30, 2009
I quit Smoking Today
Today I quit smoking, I will chronicle my journey here in this blog. Maybe you would like to join me. There are many ways to quit smoking, I have tried almost all of them. I have tried to quit smoking at least 8 times in my life. This is my 9th and final time, this time I will succeed. One of the first ways to quit smoking that I tried was the good ole Cold Turkey approach. I was in college at the time and I failed. If you are young and it is your first time quitting than cold turkey is one of the more difficult ways to quit smoking. Although it is still one of the most effective.
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